Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Sugar n Spyce ant that nice

Big congrats to Leanne ( & Rushy) for the boosting up to 7K - 400pnts in under 24hrs is quite some going.

The winning 30 points came from the classic "creating an online ID" - classy win girl. With highlights such as... making a male character and making a female character i bow to your superior gaming ability.

I think the completion rate says its all:

Eddy Uk - 38.39%
S n S - 32.27%

Maybe by Sundays update SnS you could complete a few (1:30) of those game live/ retail games you've mysteriously found in the past 24hrs...

-- Eddy


Unknown said...

Wow, someone sounds bitter! ;)

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, but I think this post is completely out of order.

The achievements earned by Leanne, were all fair and square done off her off back.

You make it sound like you've never had a 'cheap' achievement in your life - extremely hypocritical.

And splitting hairs over a 6.02% completion rate differentiation is just petty, hardly massive is it?

And in the last 24 hrs she only played one new game, R6:Vegas - which was actually quite an hilarious achievement as the face scan made was a little bit off :P

C'mon Edd, I know you're bitter about this, but posting comments like this just makes you sound like a sore loser.

digitaldeco said...

Rant over