Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Texas Holdem Hands

I found this site which give a nice easy intro to Texas Holdem.

Im going to use this to teach myself so i can play on Xbox Live

- Eddy

Best video on the net

Loved this for ages

Kungfoo Stickmen

- Eddy

Tables Added

I've had to change the site from Frames to Tables as Adsense wouldnt work with Frames :-(

A friend has offered to help me change my crappy tables to css once i have finalized the design.

Fingers crossed ill get it done soon.

- David

Google Adsense

I've just added google adsense to see if any cash can be made out of this free serves.

I'll post back in the near future and comment on what i think of this service


Monday, August 14, 2006

And so it begins...

This site has been created as a testbed for my web development. At the moment i am using my limited skills in HTML to build this basic static website. My hope is that i will be able to develope a dynamic site using a mixture of books and websites. My plan will be to start with reading up on W3Schools about the different elements in modern web development/design.

My plan of action will be to start using dreamweaver but as i feel i will learn i will need to actually start coding from scratch as i hear its the best way to learn. I plan on learning the following:

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. PHP
  4. MySQL

I'll try my best as and went i can to keep a development log either in this format or as i hope i will create a blog. Currently i just have a simple frame based design to make life easy before i start.